You MUST always keep the most accurate information of your character on your character sheet on your profile! That will be the sheet people use and even if you have the update approved in the thread it is not in effect until it is on your sheet. It is your responsibility to keep it current, no exceptions!Updates are requested only when you have finished a topic. They will then be looked over by staff and be either approved, adjusted or denied.
When posting an update you will fill out the following template:
Link to Update:Request: (Stat, Jutsu, etc)
Ryo Gained:Additional Information: - Code:
[i]Link to Update:[/i]
[i]Request: [/i] (Stat, Jutsu, etc)
[i]Ryo Gained:[/i]
[i]Additional Information:[/i]
Once you have filled this out and posted it in the proper place the staff will then Approve, Adjust or Deny.
For example John Doe requested this after finishing a 3 page topic with Jill Doe in which they trained some and became friends:
Link to Update: Link
Request: 2 Stats, 1 Luck, and 1 Jutsu
Ryu Gained: N/A
Additional Information: Stats are 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity, 1 Luck from Friendship with Jill Doe, 1 C Rank Fire Jutsu
Now if Approved as it it the staff will simply write 'Approved.'
If Adjustments are needed - for example they feel that he should, from what he trained have gotten a higher level or lower level technique. They would write 'Adjust - Make the technique a B Rank Fire Justu.' or 'Adjust - Make the Jutsu a D rank Fire Jutsu.'
However, if John has obviously done no training in the topic, made poor quality posts, and had not actually befriended Jill then staff would write 'Denied - No training, No social progression, Needs improvement.'
If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by a certain member of staff you may ask that they no longer check your updates and you may appeal for your updates in the Conflict Resolution topic. It will then be reviewed by at least two other 2 staff members for their judgement.